Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Something to Think About" Debute posting

When thinking of things to blog about, I am taken back to my 3rd year at Huntington University in Huntington, IN.  In-between studying and practicing as a Music major and trying to keep up on the social scene, I was also a CMC.  CMC stood for 'Campus Ministries Coordinator.'  Part of being a CMC was hosting weekly Bible Studies as well as being available for questions of a 'spiritual' nature.  While I thought I was ready for the 'spiritual converstaions,' what became apparent was that being a CMC was more about "building relationships."

"Building relationship:" now there is a word that I heard a lot in college.  Although building relationship is not something done just in college: it's something we do all our lives.  In fact, building relationships is something that I hope to do with this blog.  If you as the reader deem my thoughts worthy of reading, then we have begun to 'build a relationship.'  Remember however that the building is never done because you never know what is being built.

Back to my time as a CMC.... so, in order to help 'build relationships' with the guys in the dormitory, I would post a weekly article in the bathroom stalls (where else are you going to have someones completely undivided attention) that I called "Something to Think About."  It was my attempt to help put scripture in front of the guys and then apply that scripture to something that might have been going on in their lives.  The results were mixed, but in the end the whole process of creating the article each week spurred in me the discipline of being creative as well as keeping up with the spiritual practices of prayer, study and meditation.

So, here we are, at the beginning of building a relationship that will grow and develop and turn into something that will be bigger than we could imagine.  Check back each week, for "Something to Think About!"